Book Blogger Hop: January 16th – 22nd

This is from Billy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Question of the Week

Do you feel comfortable enough approaching a stranger when you
see he/she is reading a book to ask what they are reading?

My Answer:

I don’t think I can do that. Not that I’m being anti-social or anything. I’m really cautious in talking to strangers nowadays. You can never tell and I don’t want to be a creeper. I, myself will not be comfortable if someone will approach me asking for the title of the book I’m reading. That would be awkward. I would probably end up smiling and will walk away. Of course, I don’t want to be rude as much as possible, but it really depends on where and when that someone will approach. If she/he will come out of nowhere and I’m standing at a creepy train station, I’ll probably runaway screaming. Hahaha! 😀


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