Book Blogger Hop: March 20th – 26th

This is from Billy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Question of the WeekDo you read more on a rainy day or on a gorgeous day so you can be outside?

My Answer

I am not really certain why this was asked. Like seriously? Asking book lovers an obvious question. Lol! Just kidding. 😀 I read every chance I could get considering my crazy schedule so it really doesn’t matter which weather it is. I’m really trying to squeeze reading time in everything, but if given a FREE time I want it to be a rainy day. With a cup of coffee, my favorite Hello Kitty socks, my Hubby’s big unwanted shirt and probably rereading the Harry Potter series. That would be so awesome! Don’t you think? 😀


14 thoughts on “Book Blogger Hop: March 20th – 26th

  1. That sounds utterly perfect! I love reading whenever, wherever but I do love the sound of rain on the roof! It really creates a lot of atmosphere! Thanks for sharing 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday Post 
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  2. I love your answer. I am the same but I am just now getting to the point were I read for at least one hour every day now. And I am getting more reading done. For me I need a cup of green tea with lemon and honey, my blanket or a pillow and a book. Done! Love your answer!! 🙂

    • I read while I’m on my way to work and usually ended up reading a lot, Green tea with Lemon and honey sounds so refreshing. 🙂 Thanks babe ♥

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