Book Blogger Hop: January 2nd – 8th

This is from Billy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Question of the Week

What is your Blogger’s New Year’s Resolution?

My Answer:

When I’ve read the question for this week, I stared at my PC for I think five minutes before it registered. I’ve never thought about a Blogger’s New Year’s Resolution really. This is pretty tough ’cause I don’t want to go listing things then eventually forget about them. Perhaps I need them tattooed on my forehead. That would be pretty. Lol! Anyway, here are some things that I would probably NEED to do so here are my Blogger’s New Year’s Resolutions..
+ TRY to not hoard books and finish my unread ones first. (With TRY being all caps Ü)
+ Post book reviews right after reading it so I won’t be behind of schedule.
+ Visit my friends’ blogs more often (I’m feeling like an awful friend already. Lol!)
+ Participate to Reading Challenges (I’m really hoping I could do this!)
+ I think I need to have a Blog Make-over. (Don’t you think? Ü)


18 thoughts on “Book Blogger Hop: January 2nd – 8th

  1. I love blog make-overs! But like everyone said, your blog is beautiful! I’ve enjoyed it so much 🙂
    I’d like to also commit to following at least 10 blogs consistently, there are so many I would love to visit daily, but I don’t have the time :/ I need to stop requesting books from NetGalley! 😀

    Great post!

Penny for your thoughts? Ü