My Week in a Wrapped #3


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

There’s nothing worth sharing this past week. It has been slow like my reading progress. Argh. Caught up in work like the usual and reading in between it. Got to spend time with friends from the grave yard shift since I left the office really late Tuesday night because the traffic was unbearable. Thank God for Twitter, I was informed ahead of time about it. What else? Hmm.. Oh yeah. I got pissed because I initially requested to have a vacation leave from work the 20th this month because of my son’s birthday, but eventually approved for the 21st. How ridiculous is that? Who celebrates their birthday a day after? Sigh. We used to celebrate it on the exact date every year and that will not be the case this time. It makes me sad that I’ll be at work on my son’s special day.

One more thing, I got Blood of Olympus so I set aside Winterspell for now so sorry for all my friends who are eagerly waiting for a Winterspell book review. It would be moved probably next week.


Last Week On The Blog

Next Week On The Blog

  • Will check for recent updates for books I want
  • Teaser Tuesday #14: Perhaps a new read or from Blood of Olympus still
  • Waiting on Wednesday #20: I’m still torn between two books
  • Book Review: Blood of Olympus (If work will be tolerable and I’ll be able to finish this in a snap. Fingers crossed)
  • Hopefully pick up where I left off from Winterspell
  • A book review for Winterspell with any luck 🙂

Currently Reading #23

Name: The Blood of Olympus
Rick Riordan
Number of Pages:
528 in Hardcover
October 7, 2014 by Disney-Hyperion
Fantasy, Young Adult, Mythology, Adventure


“Though the Greek and Roman crew members of the Argo II have made progress in their many quests, they still seem no closer to defeating the earth mother, Gaea. Her giants have risen—all of them—and they’re stronger than ever. They must be stopped before the Feast of Spes, when Gaea plans to have two demigods sacrificed in Athens. She needs their blood—the blood of Olympus—in order to wake. The demigods are having more frequent visions of a terrible battle at Camp Half-Blood. The Roman legion from Camp Jupiter, led by Octavian, is almost within striking distance. Though it is tempting to take the Athena Parthenos to Athens to use as a secret weapon, the friends know that the huge statue belongs back on Long Island, where it “might” be able to stop a war between the two camps.
The Athena Parthenos will go west; the Argo II will go east. The gods, still suffering from multiple personality disorder, are useless. How can a handful of young demigods hope to persevere against Gaea’s army of powerful giants? As dangerous as it is to head to Athens, they have no other option. They have sacrificed too much already. And if Gaea wakes, it is game over.”

Around the Blogosphere

I want to have this part dedicated to book lovers I’m following 🙂

Newly Owned to Read #5

I got this at exactly its published date and I’m so excited 😀

The Blood of Olympus (The Heroes of Olympus #5)

You may also check my haul last week, it’s awesome: Newly Owned to Read #4

Do you have a Sunday Post too? Please leave your links on the comment box. I’ll check them out 😀

LineLinking this up with Stacking the Shelves


76 thoughts on “My Week in a Wrapped #3

  1. I have not picked up Rick Riordan yet, but I want too! His books are in my TBR pile. One of these days….Have a great week 🙂

  2. Oh seeing The Blood of Olympus has reminded me that I’m behind on that series. I read Mark of Athena back when it came out – and at the time I would have immediately jumped into the next book. But then time passed and I forgot about it. I seriously need to return to this series – is that the last book or are there more coming?

    So sorry you’ll have to work on your son’s birthday, that does stink, especially since you asked for it off. Maybe you can still do something special that morning and/or evening as a precursor to celebrating the next day? It’s always a bummer when we can’t do things like we’d like for our kids 😦

    Hope you have a great week!

    • Sad to say, The Blood of Olympus is the last book for The Heroes of Olympus series. I’ll miss reading about them. You should start reading the series again. I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy it. 🙂

      Yeah. That’s what I’m thinking. Perhaps we could have a family dinner the night before his birthday. I must admit I’m still upset about it though.

      Have a great week too Babe! ♥

  3. Hi, I don’t know if you do tags, but I just nominated you for the beauty of books tag. If you don’t do tags, feel free to ignore my comment 😉
    you can find more about the tag here and you can find my tag-post herehere.
    Have fun 🙂

  4. I haven’t read Blood of Olympus…it does look intense.

    Hope you make your day off special with your son, even if it is not the correct day, which sucks. Enjoy the week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. Sorry a bout the mix-up with your son’s birthday off. My son is in grad school so couldn’t see us for his birthday which falls during the school week, so we celebrated it this weekend instead. But when they are younger it does mean a lot to do it exactly on the correct day 😦

    I picked up my first Rick Riordan this week at a sale for only .80 cents! It’s the first in a series, the Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid. Have you ever read this one? I only read one chapter so far. I don’t usually read MG but for the price I grabbed it and it was in great condition. Sometimes I think I just need to read something easier than what I usually pick up, for a break at least.

    • Yeah. It really matters to kids to celebrate their birthdays on the date itself so I’m still upset about it. Anyway, I haven’t read the Kane Chronicles. Let me know if you enjoyed it 🙂

  6. I saw the new Riordan at a bookstore over the weekend and it looks good. I might have evn got it if I had read the other books, but I have not. I hope it’s great!

  7. Sorry to hear about the mix up with your time off, but I hope you enjoy the time you do have off even though it’s a day late.

    I’ve never read any of the Riordan books yet. I saw the first Percy Jackson film but for some reason never read them. I think I will soon to be adding to my TBR pile again 😀

  8. Sorry you faced so many disappointments this week. Sigh. We are lucky and so unfortunate to live in the best of times, the worst of times.

  9. We actually celebrate birthday a day later or earlier sometimes, but I agree it’s weird you didn’t got the 20th free and the 21 instead.
    I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new book!

  10. I have several of the Percy Jackson books – I bought them for my kids, and they’re in French – but I haven’t read them yet.
    I hope you’ll enjoy it very much! And that you’ll be able to get back to Winterspell, too, both for you and your followers who are waiting for your review.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier, Nyze, have a fantastic week and happy reading.

    • I love the books so much! And yeah Im looking forward in going back to Winterspell. It’s a bad habit of mine to jump from an unfinished book to a new one. Bad bad habit. LOL! Thanks babe! Have a great week ahead too!

  11. With my husband’s schedule we don’t always celebrate the kids’ bdays on the exact day and they don’t seem to mind. We’ve listened to all the Olympians and the 1st Heroes book, but we moved on to other books while waiting for the rest to come out and now we’re deep in the Dresden Files. I’m not sure how many more audios we’ll be listening to since my daughter is now a Senior. The boys may decide to keep listening and then we can finish up that series. We’ve been listening to audios for over a decade. I’ll be sad when we don’t listen anymore.

  12. It’s a bummer they wouldn’t let you have your vacation for your son’s birthday, I mean it’s just one day earlier! It’s absolutely ridiculous. But I guess it’s those kind of situations in which you have to get the best out of it. Nothing else to do. I hope this week is better for you.

    • Exactly my point. Birthdays are once a year so it’s really a big deal for me. I want to spend time with my kid since kids grow up so fast these days. Yeah. Nothing else to do but to make the most out of it. Thanks for making me feel better babe! 🙂

  13. I’m sorry about your son’s birthday. I hope it will be a good one anyway. I would like to thank you for mentioning the giveaway on my blog and for stopping in to comment. Thanks for sharing.
    sherry @ Sherry’s Shelves

  14. I’m sorry about your son’s birthday, too. But he will have a special day even if it’s a day late, and that’s the main thing.

    I need to dive into the Riordan series this week – I promised my daughter I’d read them now that the series is finished. 🙂

  15. Sorry to hear about the crappy scheduling. My boyfriend is getting hit with that kind of crap at his work too :/

    I need to get back into Rick Riordan — I used to read his books every year when my grandmother would get the newest Percy Jackson for my brother’s b-day (yes, I always stole them and read them first, like any good big sister would). But that mostly stopped when I went to college, and it completely stopped once I moved out. I suppose I COULD be a big girl and go and procure a copy for myself at some point …

    • I’m still upset about my schedule 😦

      Anyway, I’m such a good big sister too cause I also used to that. With his toys though. LOL! you should read the books, it’s worth it 🙂

  16. I read 4 of the Percy Jackson books but never finished the series. I need to read that final book! I’m a little unsure about the Heroes of Olympus books because I’m not a big fan of mythology. I think I wanted to like Percy Jackson a little more than I actually did for that reason.

    • You know what, I forgot all my mythology stuff and recalled them once I started reading these books. You might want to try reading it. It’s fun, I assure you 🙂

  17. Work has been getting in the way of my reading too. I’m so tired by the time I get home I just quickly go online after dinner and then go to bed. Hopefully we both can get some reading time in. That is awful about not getting your son’s birthday off. We have to compete with time off too so it is really a pain to plan anything. The Percy Jackson book looks really good. I’ve never read his books but I’ve loved the movies. Hope you have a great week!

    • That’s my routine too. I tried reading before bed but I ended up sleeping after a couple of chapters. Too bad. I’m still upset about my schedule though. Read the books. It’s worth it. Have a great week too! ♥

  18. I’ve yet to read Mark of Athena and House of Hades, but with my exams coming up in the first week of December, I’m reading slower than a snail’s pace. I started and left three books in this week itself, not because they weren’t good. but I’m been going crazy thinking about my exams.
    Just downloaded Winterspell too. It looks so good.

    P.S. I’m all giddy seeing my blog name up here. I feel so nice and important all of a sudden. So, thank you so much for that! xxx

    • Oh! I share the same sentiments. My reading progress is nothing but slow too. Crazy schedule at work. Perhaps we could share thoughts about Winterspell 🙂

      PS. That’s no big deal Babe. Always a pleasure 🙂

Penny for your thoughts? Ü