Book Blogger Hop: December 5th – 11th

This is from Billy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer

Question of the Week

What is your favorite part about reading a book? Figuring out the plot ahead of time,
the feeling of the actual book itself, experiencing the plot unfold,
getting to know the characters- or something else entirely?

My Answer:

Since I’m mostly a fantasy reader I love taking time reading about the world building of a book. I enjoy reading about beautiful places that only a fantasy read could give you. Creatures that you could only imagine. People that you only dream about. If a book could actually give me an interesting world that I haven’t envisage then, I’m going to be hook. That’s reason why I love reading fantasy books. I love to be taken away to a place where everything is possible. Where my imagination is infinite. So a lousy world could truly take away my enthusiasm in reading. If I’m not reading a fantasy book, say a paranormal one. I would love an intriguing plot. Plots that would really leave me thinking and continue reading to satisfy my curiosity ’cause those predictable plots are a bummer. I also love to solve mysteries. Thinking what will happen and who will die next. Lol. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not really into mystery books. Paranormal books could give you headaches in their mysteries at times so that’s what I’m referring to. Lastly, character development. I love how a character would be a nobody then ended up being the center of everything. Those Mary Sues and Marty-Stus? I so hate them. So unreal and annoying. I love kick ass characters and those who can really stand out without being a damsel in distress. I bet a lot would agree. 😀


14 thoughts on “Book Blogger Hop: December 5th – 11th

  1. As a reader of fantasy and science fiction, I can really identify with the world-building skill being a major contributor to making the book totally enjoyable. Contemporary fiction is limited in that it’s stuck with the world we live in. Both, however, benefit from well-developed characters. I think you’ve pretty much nailed it.

  2. “I love to be taken away to a place where everything is possible. ” That is what I love most about books & the world building too! I agree that the fantasy genre has a whole lot more to offer in terms of world building as oppose to other genres, but the dystopian genre rocks too 😛

Penny for your thoughts? Ü