My Week in a Wrapped #10


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.

This week has been frustrating. The bank had a system “upgrade” and I’m unable to withdraw money. Money that I’ve worked for. When I asked them when would the system be fixed, they provided an indefinite answer. How can you say that if people need to pay bills and eat? I was so broke, I nearly cried. I can’t believe they decided to “fix” their system in time for the payout and on a Friday knowing they’ll resume operation Monday. Do they expect us to know it via precognition since they didn’t provide a notice? What the fudging hell?? My co-worker even tried to withdraw from an ATM. Unfortunately her account was debited, but no money came out and according to them, they will process it for a reversal within seven business days. Seven business days for God’s sake! I so hate them! How could them? So incompetent and so inconsiderate! Good thing my friend let me borrowed some cash so I can live on up until their system is fixed. Sigh. Sorry. I rarely rant about things in life, but this is way too much and I just need to let this out. Anyway, we were able to get the money Saturday night so I moved on. I just hope this won’t happen again. Ever. Again.


Last Week On The Blog

Next Week On The Blog

  • Will check for recent updates for books I want
  • Book Review: Under My Skin
  • Teaser Tuesday #19: Probably from a new read
  • Waiting on Wednesday #25: I’m still thinking of what to feature
  • Currently Reading #31: I’m torn between two books
  • Book Beginning #8: This is going to be from my Currently Reading
  • Book Review: My Currently Reading choice (Hopefully 🙂 )
  • Book Blogger Hop (Dec 5th-11th)
  • Weekly Photo Challenge (A new theme)

Currently Reading #32

Name: Under My Skin (Immortality Strain #1)
Shawntelle Madison
Number of Pages:
240 in eBook
December 9th 2014
Fantasy, Young Adult, Science Fiction, Dystopia


Everyone wants to either be a member of the Guild or work for them. Little does the populace know that the Guild hides sinister secrets… For Tate Sullivan, life in her small, coastal town is far from glamorous. The affluent lives of the Guild members and their servants isn’t something she has ever wanted. But all sixteen year-olds must take a simple test, and Tate’s result thrusts her into the Guild’s world, one where they hide horrible plans for those they select. Tate must fight the relentless General Dagon for control of her mind, body, and soul to keep the one precious thing she has always taken for granted: herself. Her only ally is the same handsome boy she is pitted against in General Dagon’s deadly game. Quinn desires nothing more than to end the life of General Dagon who has taken over Tate’s mind. While romance blooms between Tate and Quinn, General Dagon plots to eventually take over Tate’s body, and love might end before it even begins.

Around the Blogosphere

I want to have this part dedicated to book lovers I’m following 🙂

Newly Owned to Read #12

After a lot of heartaches, NetGalley finally approved me for books I requested
so the rule of “Three Books Per Week” would not be valid this week. Haha!

Do you have a Sunday Post too? Please leave your links on the comment box. I’ll check them out 😀

LineLinking this up with Stacking the Shelves


45 thoughts on “My Week in a Wrapped #10

  1. Wow! I can’t believe a bank can operate like that…I can see how you might not be able to use the online feature of a bank while upgrading, but no withdrawals at the bank itself? Outrageous! I think I’d be changing banks…LOL.

    Hope things improve soon…and enjoy your haul.


    • I’ve already withdrew EVERYTHING. Lol! Anyway, I’m so excited about my new haul and I so agree that the covers are gorgeous ♥ Happy reading babe ♥

  2. I would hate the bank if that happened to me as well. It’s your money for goodness sake, you should be able to access it.
    Like the look of that Amy A Bartol book, love her writing but I haven’t check out that one as yet.
    Have a great week Nyze.

    • I still hate them. I hope they’ve learned their lessons since a lot already switched banks.

      Under Different Stars is a good book 🙂 My review’s up if youre interested 🙂

  3. What an awful experience with the bank! I’ve never heard of not giving customers a heads up if an upgrading was going to occur. In fact, even when they did upgrade, it was only the online system that couldn’t be used. We could still use the ATM and access our money. I don’t blame you for switching banks. I would too.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy your books and have a great week.

  4. Wow. That’s really crazy! Even when our bank is ‘upgrading’ we can access our money. Here in the States, if that happened I’d file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. Hope this week is much better!

  5. That should totally not be right for a bank to do that. They should do midweek or overnight updates. I get ticked at my bank because if I don’t have my check direct deposited into bank, when I go to put my money in the bank I have to make sure I take out enough to use till the next day because it doesn’t deposit till next day..that is not right either! So I am so glad to finally get direct deposit.

    You got a some great looking books and I am glad you got approved for netgalley. 🙂 It’s addicting so be careful. 😉

  6. That is awful! I agree with everyone, they should not have these updates during peak business times. Plus they should have given their customers a warning! I hope this doesn’t happen again!

    You got a lot of great books! I met Amy Bartol at book signing this year but I still have not read her book. It is signed and I love the cover, so I hate to ruin it. I’ll probably end up buying an ebook copy to read. So I’ll check out your review of Under Different Stars.

    Have a good week!

    • Im done with that bank. Ive withdrew everything and looking for a new one 🙂

      I really love the cover of Amy’s book. I so envy you that youve got yours signed by her. Yay. Have a great week! 🙂

  7. I have never heard of a bank doing that.. NEVER. I do think you should switch banks. Really. Like now. I don’t think you live in the US.. because here you are supposed to always have access to your money. If the ATM is down then you are supposed to be able to enter the bank and get your money (unless the bank is closed of course). Hope this week is better!

Penny for your thoughts? Ü